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发布时间: 2024-03-05 浏览次数: 9351


主要从事中医药机制多组学研究:(1)肿瘤发生与演化机制的多组学研究(如基因组学、单细胞-时空转录组、空间蛋白组、微生物组、代谢组学);(2)微生物-肠-脑轴调控神经、代谢系统疾病机制研究及中医药干预策略。先后主持国家级项目6项,相关研究成果在PNAS、Nature Genetics、Current Biology、Science China Life Sciences、mBio、Ecology、Molecular Ecology等期刊发表70余篇。兼任Animal Microbiome,mSphere等8个国际期刊编委;中国动物学会青年科技奖获得者。为Nature Ecology and Evolution、Nature Communications、Current biology、Microbiome、ISME等30多个国际期刊审稿。


(1)Lifeng Zhu, Wu Q, Dai JY, Zhang SN, Wei FW (2011) Evidence of cellulose metabolism by the giant panda gut microbiome. PNAS. 108: 17714-17719.

(2)Zhu, W., Yang D., Chang L., Zhang M., Lifeng Zhu*., Jiang, J. (2022) Animal gut microbiome mediates the effects of antibiotic pollution on an artificial freshwater system. Journal of Hazardous Materials. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.127968. 

(3)Li, H., Xia, W., Liu, X., Wang, X., Liu, G., Chen, H., Lifeng Zhu *., Li, D*. (2023) Food provisioning results in functional, but not compositional, convergence of the gut microbiomes of two wild Rhinopithecus species: Evidence of functional redundancy in the gut microbiome, Science of The Total Environment. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159957.

(4)Cao, P*., Dai, Q., Deng, C., Zhao, X., Qin, S., Yang, J., Wang, Z., Lu, G., Gu, X., Yang, Z., Lifeng Zhu *. (2021) Genome-wide signatures of mammalian skin covering evolution. Science China. Life Sciences. DOI: 10.1007/s11427-020-1841-5

(5)Shuyu Jiang, Ting Hu, Wenqian Zhao, Ang Hu, Lifeng Zhu*, Jianjun Wang*. (2023) Increasing diversity and biotic homogenization of lake plankton during recovery from acidification, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 859, Part 1, 160215, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160215.

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